Apr 5, 2024 Raphael & James 1:1
In the beginning of collaboration: we keep the 1:1 calls between James and Raphael to accelerate fast answers and decisions. Raphael to post notes in Reserve gov forums afterwards - see here.
Biggest current difficulty: how does governance flow work from RFC (Discourse) to IP (Register.app).
How can we improve integration?
How can we improve ease of use/adoption?
StableLab create revised diagram and process: Suggested governance flow for RTokens
Sync with Reserve engineering (Patrick) on technical details
Raphael to get familiar with Reserve’s Discord Security Audit
Wanted: RFC and IP updates in Discord that are delightful and inviting to use, notification service options?
- Create a new Discord category “Governance Alerts”
- Break into two Discord channels
- Governance RFCs - Integromat for Forums is really good
- Governance IPs - Onchain gov alerts are not user friendly
Eng team currently using Hypernative but this solution is currently insufficient
Compound and Olympus have very user friendly gov IP alerts channels - maybe we should mimic this?
Friday weekly recap of governance RFCs and IPs pass or rejected, with forecast of what is coming in next week
James to add RToken community leads (Tom hyUSD, 0xSleepy ETH+, bsdETH) to StableLab<>Reserve telegram
Request status report on “this weeks RFC and IP” activity every Friday, to which StableLab will collate and synthesize into notes published weekly on gov forums
1. 0xSleepy: ETH+, bsdETH, dgnETH 2. Tom Sawyer: hyUSD 3. Griff (for now, wil add rex later): rgUSD
Other open questions to explore (that we did not have time for on April 5):
What emergency DAO actions should be prioritized? Create a debate map around that.