- Reserve can be governed either by a single governance mechanism controlling all areas, or by a combination of multiple governance mechanisms controlling different areas.
- If there is no governance mechanism by which Reserve coinholders control some area, then Reserve is properly classified as a security.**
- If Reserve coinholders control all areas, then Reserve will be poorly governed.***
- In order for Reserve to not be properly classified as a security and not be poorly governed, Reserve coinholders must control some but not all areas. (2, 3)
- If Reserve coinholders control some but not all areas, then Reserve is not governed by a single governance mechanism.
- In order for Reserve to not be properly classified as a security and not be poorly governed, Reserve must be governed by a combination of multiple governance mechanisms controlling different areas. (1, 4, 5)
** See https://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-81207.pdf pages 12-15
*** See e.g. Moving beyond coin voting governance for a partial discussion