Trezor Suite and old RSR Contract address?!?

Good day,
I don’t know if this is the right group on forum, but not one that I’m looking at, it doesn’t seem to be for user inquiries. I’m writing here on the forum because I don’t know who to turn to with the problem I have. I wrote 4 days ago to: but still no answer. I have RSR since before, and I put it on the Trezor T wallet and forgot about it. I was not informed when the contract address changed and now I cannot send it from the Trezor to an exchange because it is at the old contract address. I tried to send several RSRs from the exchange to Trezor Suite, but they arrived at the Trezor and created a new RSR token in the ETH address, but the old RSRs remained intact without their Contract address being updated. Please, some expert, what should I do to get a new Contract address on the old RSR tokens inside the Trezor? Thank you very much.

Thanks but I try chat, it is a Bot and can not help me. I want to speak with a real person.

Hello there, @saibos - please ignore the reply from @Richards before, he is a scammer trying to steal your funds. Do not click any of the links he has shared.

I will track down the email you’ve sent to and make sure someone responds as soon as possible.

Thank you Sinatra. I did not go to that scam live support.

@saibos there are two ways to update RSR in your wallet and both methods detailed in this post.

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Quick fix: Send a “wake-up transaction” did not help for me.

If you sent new RSR to your Trezor and they show as a balance on your trezor then “you have new RSR contract address on your trezor.”

Are you familiar with out to check your RSR inflow outflow history on Etherscan? Re: this should give you precision answer on where your RSR is. @omega (community lead) can assist you with this. No legitimate person will ever ask for your seed phrase or any passwords to anything.

after I send few RSR to my ETH address before few days, now I have two RSR tokens on Trezor, one with new contract and other with old contract address, which is not merged with new RSR contract.

Sorry to hear that.

If you have the old token address you can use Etherscan to call the transfer and any other function too. Here’s an article explaining how it works: Interacting with Smart Contracts on Etherscan | by Kaven Choi | Etherscan Blog | Medium

You would need the Trezor to sign any transactions of course.

Hi Sinatra, please my Email subject is: Fwd: RSR tokens stuck on Trezor
I still did not receive any reply from RSR Team.

Can you find it and reply to me please. Thank you.

thanks but I do not how to use it. I do not want to mess up something. I need some step by step guide in this situation.

Hi again! We have tracked down your email and responded to you just now. It was flagged as spam due to the reason mentioned in the email.

The email includes a full explanation of your case and should clear things up for you. Feel free to continue the conversation there if you have more questions.

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