Collateral Basket Change Proposal #1


Remove 36.5% MIM+3Crv Pool on Convex and 13.5% Flux DAI from the collateral basket and replace it with 25% Morpho Aave V2 USDT pool and 25% sDAI - DAI Savings Rate respectively for the hyUSD Rtoken.

Current Basket:
13.5% fUSDC - Flux USDC.
36.5% Convex/Curve eUSD+FRAXBP pool.

13.5% fDAI - Flux DAI.
36.5% Convex/Curve MIM+3CRV pool.

New Basket:
13.5% fUSDC - Flux USDC.
36.5% Convex/Curve eUSD+FRAXBP pool.

25% Morpho Aave V2 USDT pool.
25% sDAI - DAI Savings Rate.


Morpho is an on-chain peer-to-peer layer on top of lending pools. The Morpho Aave V2 USDT pool utilizes the Aave protocol, specifically the USDT pool. The proposed proposal, if enacted, would swap out the 36.5% of the collateral basket that is occupied with the MIM+3Crv pool on Convex and replace 25% with the Morpho Aave V2 USDT pool lending optimizer.

DAI Savings Rate:
The Dai Savings Rate (DSR) is a fundamental component of the Maker Protocol. Once locked into the DSR smart contract, Dai continuously accrues, based on a global system variable called the DSR. The proposed proposal, if enacted, would swap out the 13.5% of the collateral basket that is occupied withFlux DAI and the additional 11.5% from the MIM+3Crv pool and replace 25% with sDAI.

Problem Statement

The current basket for hyUSD contains 36.5% of the MIM+3Crv pool on Convex. The asset MIM has a history of depegging and is considered to be the most risky asset in the hyUSD collateral basket. This asset should be removed from the hyUSD basket.

The current basket also contains 13.5% of Flux DAI utilizing Flux Finance. While Flux Finance remains a very solid protocol in the basket(Flux USDC), there is a better alternative in the utilization of DAI. fDAI should also be removed from the basket.

The current basket makeup is utilizing only two protocols and should be further diversified. While Curve/Convex and Flux Finance have provided a good backing it would be wise to diversify across different avenues.


Morpho adds a peer-to-peer layer on top of Aave allowing lenders and borrowers to be matched more efficiently with better interest rates. When no matching opportunity exists, funds flow directly through to the underlying protocol(in this case Aave).

Morpho has an excellent reputation for security. Lending positions are presumptively less risky than LP positions for their greater simplicity (just a single asset). Morpho has been live for over a year with audits completed by Pessimistic on July 25, 2022 as well as Spearbit on May 9, 2022 with several audits being completed in Beta.

The strategy utilizing the Morpho Aave V2 USDT pool currently provides 3.6% APR with [currently] unvalued MORPHO rewards on top which will accrue to hyUSD holders at some point in the future.

The DSR is a special module in the MakerDAO smart contract system that allows DAI holders to receive a share of the revenue earned by MakerDAO. The DSR revenue is generated through various mechanisms, such as stability fees.

This is one of the lowest-risk yield products in DeFi, has no IL(impermanent loss) risk, and its smart contracts have been battle tested. The system generates this revenue through various mechanisms, such as stability fees. The strategy utilizing the DAI Savings Rate provides 5% APY.

Consideration needs to be given to gas costs when minting hyUSD with the new collateral. This will likely increase and could potentially hinder new potential minters.


By adding Morpho and sDAI to the basket we will achieve an overall safer underlying basket for hyUSD by omitting the asset MIM and diversifying across different protocols. Consideration needs to be given to the APY for sDAI. Recently the APY of sDAI was raised to 8% and within 48 hours was changed again to 5%.

There was previous support for swapping the MIM+3CRV for Morpho Aave V2 USDT pool here:

  • Yes, I am in favor of this proposal
  • No, I am against this proposal
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Good work as always @0xTomSawyer . I am in favor of this proposal and am grateful for your flexibility in the face of new information. This is surely a step forward for hyUSD and I am excited to see the reception of this by hyusdRSR governors. It will be important to keep an eye on DSR, but you mention that in your risk section. Good proposal!

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I like this new composition! I have a question about this. Do you already know when these collateral plugins will release or are these informations available in discord? And are these collateral plugins access me on base and ETH as well?

It’s the same with Vaya, as soon as I get alternatives i will adjust it.

Here is a link to their repo with “collateral plugin” labels on pull requests. I think this is a good indicator for what might be live in the next release. I do not have any information on a timeframe on when these will be live. I do not have any inside information beyond what is publicly available.

Nothing is available on Base right now. The team has announced intentions to deploy the protocol on Base. As far as collateral options on Base, I have no insight into that. That largely depends on other DeFi protocols also deploying on Base so that a collateral plugin can be developed. In my opinion there are two good collateral options available, that a plugin could potentially be developed for. I believe those options to be Compound USDC and Aave USDC. I have no insight into if collateral plugins will be developed for those assets.