Discussion: Q&A for the new RSR Emissions Curve

The purpose of this thread is to provide space for questions and discussion on the recently announced long-term RSR emissions curve.

If you haven’t already, please read the blog post before commenting.

In brief, RSR emissions will be set on a deterministic schedule which emulates the emissions curve of Bitcoin beginning when it was similarly positioned within its total supply, at roughly 50 percent circulating.

Represented graphically, future RSR emissions will roughly look like the following:

As noted in the blog post, before hardcoding this curve forever, a few additional details we need to finalize include:

  • Determining the release frequency (e.g. weekly, daily, continuous, etc.)
  • Finalizing how long the hardcoded curve will last – BTC emissions last about 140 years; how long should should RSR emissions last?
  • Determining whether the hardcoded curve should have any dislocations (e.g. like Bitcoin’s halvings) or not
  • Working out technical details of how exactly the contract will work

Ideas on these points are welcome in this thread.

We’re looking forward to answering any questions and hearing any suggestions you might have!