[IP] Collateral basket change proposal: Removal of Morpho Re7 WETH Vault


This proposal discusses the removal of the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault weighting from the Degen ETH, dgnETH collateral basket. To instead favor an equal 50/50 weighting of Dinero’s apxETH and Convex ETH+/ETH LP. In order to provide closer alignment with dgnETH’s mandate of capturing high yields which consistently outperform the LST market rate.


This proposal advocates for the removal of the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault from the dgnETH collateral basket due to its declining yields, which have underperformed the Liquid Staking Token (LST) market rate for the past two months. Initially, the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault delivered returns of 6-10%, justifying its inclusion. However, recent performance has dropped to 2-4%, significantly reducing the overall yield of the collateral basket. To better align with dgnETH’s mandate of capturing high DeFi yields, the proposal recommends replacing the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault with a 50/50 weighting of Dinero’s apxETH and Convex ETH+/ETH LP. This adjustment is expected to increase the basket’s yield from 7.16% to 8.46%, thereby enhancing the staked Degen ETH APY from 23.83% to 28.14%. While this shift may increase counterparty and smart contract risks due to a more concentrated asset allocation, these risks are mitigated by the rigorous audits undertaken.

Problem Statement

The yield provided from the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault has significantly deteriorated since inception of the dgnETH rToken and has now for the last two months has lagged below the LST market rate. To closer align the collateral basket with dgnETHs mandate to capture high DeFi yields and sustainably outperform the LST market it must be removed.


At the inception of the dgnETH rToken the inclusion of the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault in the collateral basket was acceptable to holders given yields had consistently returned yields in the 6-10% range, well above the LST market rate. However over the past three months we have seen a significant and sustained deterioration in yield with it sitting in the 2–4% range over the last two months reducing the yield of the collateral basket overall. Considering this significant and sustained deterioration I propose we remove the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault from the collateral backing.

In the absence of alternative adapters that are as closely aligned with the dgnETH mandate as Dinero’s apxETH and Convex ETH+/ETH LP I propose an equal 50/50 weighting of both of these assets.

Current dgnETH collateral basket

Collateral Asset Allocation APY (7.16%)
Morpho Re7 WETH Vault 40% 3.45%
apxETH 35% 7.58%
Convex ETH+/ETH LP 25% 9.34%

Staked Degen ETH APY - 23.83%

Proposed dgnETH collateral basket

Collateral Asset Allocation APY (8.46%)
apxETH 50% 7.58%
Convex ETH+/ETH LP 50% 9.34%

Staked Degen ETH APY - 28.14%


While the 17% allocation uplift of the other two collateral basket assets does concentrate counterparty and smart contract risk the proposed basket change balances the risk and return offering ETH DeFi yields beating the LST market while earning from protocols that have gone through multiple rigorous audits.

Convex Audits - Audits | ConvexFinance

Dinero Audits - https://dinero.xyz/docs/security


The ongoing inclusion of the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault does not align with dgnETH and its removal is a significant opportunity to improve the yield of the underlying collateral basket. This improvement is only compounded when the two-token model dgnETH has been built on top of is taken into consideration.

Given the high yield seeking nature of dgnETH proposals relating to the underlying collateral basket changes are likely to be published frequently. I would appreciate strong community participation as we relentlessly pursue the obliteration of LST market yields and return the highest yields DeFi can offer to dgnETH stakers.

  • Yes, remove the Morpho Re7 WETH Vault and change to an equal 50/50 weighting of the other two assets
  • No, make no changes to the collateral basket
0 voters

I think this is the right decision. In the future with adjusting lending vaults, I may recommend looking Gauntlet’s core vaults in the future. General APY is in line with other strategies we have so could be good for diversification into other high APYs in the future

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Thank you for actively moving governance forward @ham!

One question that came to my mind is if the slippage from the basket change would affect RSR stakers or not?

No complaints from my end about the formal aspects here. Perfect.


Just wanted to clarify: Re7 WETH vault is earning 3.45% and not the ~7% listed in their UI because neither the DINERO nor MORPHO rewards are currently monetizable. One day they will be and dgnETH will have a large revenue day. This doesn’t necessarily justify Re7 WETH’s inclusion today.


To add more context to @tbrent’s response, the MORPHO and DINERO tokens are being held in the backing manager and will be auctioned off and recognized as revenue once they become transferable which will result in a large APY in that period, so the accumulated tokens would not be lost with a basket change.


Thanks for your input on this RFC so far.

@0xSleepy Thank you for suggesting potential strategies to increase the diversification of the dgnETH collateral basket. Are you referring to the WETH core vault? Looking at the historic APY data it seems to have followed a similar trajectory as the Re7 vault. However, definitely one to keep in mind as the market picks up.

@tbrent and @ivanhalen0x, thank you for this information. It makes the decision to remove the Re7 vault a slightly trickier one. However, I’m still of the mind to go ahead with the removal from the collateral basket as total basket APY will still improve slightly and we will clear up any confusion from the community as to why we have an asset earning 3.5% in the collateral basket.

While I have you what are your opinions on @rspa_StableLab question RE slippage if this collateral basket change was undertaken? Is there any risk to RSR stakers whilst the backing buffer isn’t 100% filled? Due to the yield seeking nature of dgnETH I think there will be semi-frequent collateral basket changes in the future. How we can evaluate slippage as and when collateral basket changes are proposed?


Backing buffer is almost full, slippage is not an issue