[IP] eUSD Revenue Share Update 2025-02-06

First, please excuse the one week delay, I was out of office end of January.

As laid out in the clarification to the operational parameters, we will put this on-chain because the relative change in eUSD held is above 5%. In the case of Sentz, especially, we’re seeing a substantial increase of eUSD balance to more than $1m in eUSD held!

UglyCash is further consolidating eUSD in specific wallets, and on Ethereum Mainnet.

eUSD balance distribution 2025-02-06 source debank

Do eUSD governors agree that an on-chain poll should go on-chain on Monday, February 10th.

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
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Sentz has an additional Ethereum wallet that it would like included in its rev share calculation: 0x2e3F334f9035aAB204347508415dEc785cd5075E

I don’t think it effects the percentage by much this round.




noted, will add to the spreadsheet

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Happy to see Sentz growing its eUSD holdings!


Hi Henry! Thanks for pointing this out and congratulations on the eUSD growth!

As laid out in the new guidelines on how to measure the revshare percentages we require “proof of ownership” of addresses to be added.

Could you sign a message on Etherscan, or elsewhere, and post the link here?

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Hi. The address is a safe.global wallet, not an EOA. Do you have step-by-step instructions for providing what you need that way?

Btw, it’s not a new address to eUSD. It’s the address that the Sentz revshare is delivered to currently, so perhaps you don’t need further proof?

It is the same as the address in step 5/5 in the January revshare governance proposal.



That works! thank you, ser.