[RFC] eUSD Unregister Unused Assets-Cleanup


This proposal unregisters old contract addresses that are no longer used in eUSD. These types of proposals can happen after a collateral basket change or a major protocol upgrade. In the case of eUSD, there was a recent collateral basket change proposal that was executed as well as a protocol version upgrade to 3.4.0.

Assets to be unregistered:

saUSDC: 0xc4240D22FFa144E2712aACF3E2cC302af0339ED0(older version)
saUSDT: 0x8d753659D4E4e4b4601c7F01Dc1c920cA538E333
saEthPyUSD: 0x58a41c87f8C65cf21f961b570540b176e408Cf2E


The proposed proposal, if enacted, would unregister Aave USDT(saUSDT), Aave USDC(saUSDC) and Aave pyUSD(saEthPyUSD). These addresses are no longer being used.

Problem Statement

eUSD just completed a collateral basket change update and a protocol version upgrade to 3.4.0, and there are contract addresses that are no longer being used but still tied to eUSD.


By removing old unused contract addresses, this improves the gas efficiency of eUSD.


There are no associated risks by removing the unused contract addresses. It is important to run all revenue auctions associated with the contract addresses before unregistering them.

Untitled (200 x 200 px) (1)

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