Weekly meetings 0xJMG and rspa_StableLab

To help me get up to speed and to hone in on the most important challenges, @0xJMG and I meet once a week and discuss how StableLab can best support Reserve Protocol.

I’m going to be posting our meeting notes here for the sake of transparency, but also to give everyone a chance to chime in, ask questions or add points to our agenda.

The meeting notes will be posted as a reply to this post, feel free to quote and reply or just reply.

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Apr 5, 2024 Raphael & James 1:1

  • In the beginning of collaboration: we keep the 1:1 calls between James and Raphael to accelerate fast answers and decisions. Raphael to post notes in Reserve gov forums afterwards - see here.

  • Biggest current difficulty: how does governance flow work from RFC (Discourse) to IP (Register.app).

    1. How can we improve integration?

    2. How can we improve ease of use/adoption?

    3. StableLab create revised diagram and process: Suggested governance flow for RTokens

    4. Sync with Reserve engineering (Patrick) on technical details

  • Raphael to get familiar with Reserve’s Discord Security Audit

  • Wanted: RFC and IP updates in Discord that are delightful and inviting to use, notification service options?

  1. Create a new Discord category “Governance Alerts”
  2. Break into two Discord channels
  3. Governance RFCs - Integromat for Forums is really good
  4. Governance IPs - Onchain gov alerts are not user friendly
  • Eng team currently using Hypernative but this solution is currently insufficient

  • Compound and Olympus have very user friendly gov IP alerts channels - maybe we should mimic this?

  • Friday weekly recap of governance RFCs and IPs pass or rejected, with forecast of what is coming in next week

    1. James to add RToken community leads (Tom hyUSD, 0xSleepy ETH+, bsdETH) to StableLab<>Reserve telegram

    2. Request status report on “this weeks RFC and IP” activity every Friday, to which StableLab will collate and synthesize into notes published weekly on gov forums

    1. 0xSleepy: ETH+, bsdETH, dgnETH
    2. Tom Sawyer: hyUSD
    3. Griff (for now, wil add rex later): rgUSD
  • Other open questions to explore (that we did not have time for on April 5):
    What emergency DAO actions should be prioritized? Create a debate map around that.


Meeting notes from 2024-04-19

Action Items

  • Raphael will check the governance calendar for new events and make necessary updates.
  • James will meet with Patrick, John, Libby, and Tom to discuss governance alerts on Thursday at 8:30 AM EDT.
  • James is to reach out to Nevin about Raphael facilitating a workshop or talk in the upcoming conference.
  • John HQ needs to assess the Notify bot and consider its integration and security implications.

Key Updates

  • Raphael and James discussed integrating various APIs or bots to improve notifications and governance in their platforms.
  • They touched on the automation of notifications via services like Mailchimp, Zapier, and Tally.
  • James and Raphael discussed routes to approach various DAOs with proposals to integrate rTokens into their treasury.

Meeting notes from 2024-04-26

Action Items

  • Raphael and Jose will publish upcoming on-chain polls in the gov-alerts channel on Discord manually, until a better solution can be implemented.
  • There will be no current Telegram notifications to limit implementation and maintenance cost.
  • Patrick will come on Thursday’s Governance Open Mic to talk about Reserve app development.

Further Discussion

  • Raphael to publish a thread about emergency action whitelisting, so the discussion around the topic can be used to amplify knowledge throughout the ecosystem about the pros and cons of that.